
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

   Welcome friends and family! I hope to get a fresh start on blogging, and decided that the best way to do so would be to make a brand new blog. I hope to share some of what I love, believe, and what's the latest in my life.

     One of the things that we were encouraged in church to do is to make a profile for on I started on mine, but have a way to go before I finish. But I'd like to share with you some of what I'm going to add in my profile on there. One of the areas you can talk about on your profile is labeled "Why I'm a Mormon", and I'd like to share some of my testimony of the truths of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is one of the major things in my life that has great meaning and importance.

Why I'm a Mormon:

   I feel very blessed to have been born and raised with my family in the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have felt the Holy Ghost testify to me in multiple times in my life of the truthfulness of the doctrines of the church, that it is the one church on Earth that has the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I find the greatest peace, comfort, and joy through knowing and living the principles of the gospel of Christ. I have found peace and comfort from repentance and forgiveness through my Savior Jesus Christ's Atonement.

I find joy in knowing I am a daughter of God, who loves me and gave me, and all of his children, (who are all of us) a plan of salvation, so that I know who I am, where I came from, and what I am working towards for eternity. I am so thankful to know that I can be with my family for all eternity, because we are sealed by the priesthood power in one of the temples of God. This fact brings me peace and happiness, and I strive to make my relationships with my family members stronger, and enjoy time with them now, so that I may be close to them through eternity.
The Mesa Arizona Temple: One of the Houses of the Lord

I find comfort in knowing I can grow from trials, and come closer to my Heavenly Father, and also my eldest brother and Savior Jesus Christ. All aspects of the church make sense and connect, because they are from God, who is perfect in all ways.

I know that this church is has the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I know that this came about by having Jesus Christ's church and priesthood power restored to the earth once again. It was lost after the apostles of Jesus Christ were killed and died, and the Priesthood was no longer on the earth. The Lord restored His church through calling Joseph Smith as a prophet in these latter days, the same as he called prophets of old, like in the Bible and Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon is additional scripture to the Bible, and gives us details of the teachings of Jesus Christ to the people in the Americas. It was been given to us by revelation from an angel of God to Joseph Smith to find the plates the scriptures were written on, and Joseph Smith was given the power from God to translate those scriptures. I know we have additional scripture revealed specifically for us, in these days, in the teachings of the living prophet of today, who currently is President Thomas S. Monson. We are given this revealed instruction from our Heavenly Father twice a year, in April and October, during General Conference. (shown online and on TV) What a blessing it is to know what God wants us to know and what we should work on in our own lives! I know that God and Jesus Christ live, and they love me and every other person in existence. We are God's creations, and that makes us priceless.

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